About Us


Our vision is to mold youth to combat emerging challenges and to serve the global community with professional competence and spiritual commitment to excellence


Our Mission is to prepare committed, competent, caring, reflective and creative Teachers who are also excellent educators, change – agents and builders of harmonious society through their exemplary character

Our Goals

  • To prepare committed and competent teachers.
  • To familiarize the trainees with the latest ICT in the educational field.
  • To generate awareness about inclusive education.
  • To inculcate personal and social values among the prospective teachers.
  • To encourage the use of various transactional strategies in the class.
  • To prepare them to face challenges in the global community.
  • To encourage creativity and innovation in their profession.
  • To develop an attitude to update their professionalism.

Value Framework

  • 1. Contribution to National Development
    • Producing committed, competent, caring and reflective teachers
  • 2. Fostering Global competencies among students.
    • Integrating ICT into the Classroom Process.
  • 3. Inculcating value systems in Students.
    • (i)  Taking professional pledge in the morning assembly.
    • (ii) Value-based project work.
    • (iii) Celebration of “Value week”
  • 4. Quest for excellence
    • (i) Format for assessing teacher Excellence.
    • (ii) Practice teaching evaluation format.

The Professional Oath

We, the teacher-trainees of Adhiparasakthi College of Education on entering into the teaching profession solemnly pledge to work with a conscience to the best of our knowledge and ability in moulding the children entrusted upon us by the society as good citizens with the holistic personality to serve our society and nation.